Posts Tagged ‘janet graham’

Cheerleading Team

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

“We’re from Beverly, we couldn’t be prouder… if you can’t hear us now, we’ll yell a little louder!” Louder. “We’re from Beverly, we couldn’t be prouder… if you can’t hear us now we’ll yell a little louder!!!” Even louder. “WE’RE FROM BEVERLY, WE COULDN’T BE PROUDER, IF YOU CAN’T HEAR US NOW, WE’LL YELL A LITTLE LOUDER.!!!!!!!“

That was our cheer when I was in the drill team at away games. We were letting them know we were there!

Today, we girls from Beverly who are chummy on Facebook, met for lunch at the new Italian restaurant, Villetta, in Chez Mimi’s spot on 26th in Brentwood. We chose it because I really wanted to try it and because of it’s proximity to Janet’s office, a few doors away.

From the moment we sat down in that oh so magical patio area, we were treated like VIP’S. I almost said we were treated like the princesses we are, but I would only be speaking for myself. They “had me” at the great service, which was really over-the-top spectacular. If the food turned out to be as good, it could be the start of a serious relationship. (more…)

Never Really Been So I Don’t Really Know

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

me, fairway

I have run an informal, not- for -profit concierge service for years.  I field calls weekly from various friends asking what restaurant to go to for certain occasions.  I like giving this advice, I love sharing information.  From very early on in life I have loved connecting people.

If I’m in a hotel, no matter where or when, I’m often found deep in conversation, in a hot tub, probably about food with strangers.  I once belonged to the Loews Hotel fitness club which was, and is, not terribly expensive and comes with the use of their pool, hot tub, steam room.  It was a great deal and I really love to swim and didn’t have a pool of my own at the time.  Most nights I could be found in the hot tub with random people telling them where to eat while they were in L.A. on vacation.  Great for THEM.

Years ago,  I remember sitting in a hot tub in the Berkshires, at a hotel I recommend by the way,  called Porches.  I told some of my new -found “friends for the next 20 minutes “that I would be spending a lot of time on the upper west side of New York.  They were my east coast counterparts.  They told me all these places I needed to go.  Did I listen? Well, I never forgot but I never really tried all, no make that any of their suggestions.  I am set in my ways and love my Magnolia cupcakes so much that I totally disregarded their recommendation of the “real” best cupcakes in the city.  They had said the name Mitchell London and it sounded like a salon and not a food place so I just ignored it.  The mental note was still there and sometimes I would pass a Mitchell London store as I was headed to a museum or somewhere to eat on the upper east side.  But I just kept ignorant.  And, it was maybe better that way. (more…)

Sisterhood of the Katsu-Ya

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

It was an evening rich in layers.  NO, not the food, us.  The women with history, betrayal, loyalty, honesty, beauty, humor, love–you get the idea.  Some of us met in grammar school, a few not until high school.  We connect the dots at the Fries family.  At least Debi, Madeline and Janet do.  Cristi and I, well, more through the Cahill family.

We ate most of the “signature” dishes like the tuna tartare on crispy rice.  But I was too busy reading subtext to remember scarfing down the tasty morsels.  We revealed things, yes, but the bubbles above our heads were saying so much more.  We need a month in a rented house in the south of France to unfold all  the stories of our lives for the past, can I say it? Thirty-something years.  When I started to write a shorthand version, it was reading like Peyton Place or perhaps Greek mythology.

Sorry it took me so long to post this piece.  Thank you Madeline for including me in your birthday celebration, it was an honor.

Katsu-Ya has a few locations.  We went to the Brentwood restaurant.  Order all the signature dishes.  My favorite is the baked hand crab roll.